Monday, April 30, 2012

From Shame to Victory: Testimony of Misty Black

I was raised with Christian morals and values’, always knowing abortion was wrong and would never be a choice for me, until I found myself unmarried and pregnant at the age of 19.  When I moved away from home at 18, I was so naive to the fact that I was desperately seeking the affection and acceptance of a male.  My father was a good man; he was a "give the shirt off his back" kind of person and always provided very well for us.  Unfortunately, I did not realize until much later in life that what I truly needed was the emotional connection that our relationship lacked.  I wanted more than anything, the acceptance and the love of my father.  So, when I moved from Dallas to Houston I was beginning a journey of what I thought was freedom while trying to fill the hole in my heart in a relationship and living with a man 16 years my senior.   When I left home, I was choosing him over my family because I knew my parents did not accept my decision.  He was a different race, way too old and had already been married & divorced with two sons.  Ultimately, I was starting over I felt...a new life the way I wanted and I thought I was exactly where I wanted to be.

That was until February of 1996 when I found out I was pregnant.  My boyfriend at the time told me it was not time for a baby and we could and would not have it.  With those words, fear set in quickly.  I was living in an unfamiliar city, completely estranged from my family and being controlled by a man who was an alcoholic/drug addict.  I felt alone and thought if I did not follow through with what he wanted, I would lose all that I thought I had at the time.  I could not lose the one person that I thought accepted and loved me for who I truly was.  After a few weeks of hanging on his every word hoping he would change his mind, but of course he never did.  Once I knew what I had to do, I was like a robot.  I don’t remember feeling anything as I called the numbers in the phone book asking questions and making appointments.  I had already made myself numb somehow…I knew if I was going to get through this, it was what I had to do.  I never looked back, never argued, never stood up for what I wanted or knew was right, I just went through the motions up until the day I had an abortion in April of 1996.   At the clinic, I was never told of the affects it would have on me emotionally, spiritually or physically.  I was never given the opportunity to see an ultrasound or hear his heartbeat.  So, after pawning a few pieces of jewelry just to gather the money, I thought for sure now there was no turning back.  I don't remember much of being at the clinic that day, but what I do is sounds and images that will forever be burned into my mind.  It was routine, I was just another name on a chart, one more person to tell, "It will all be over soon and you will be fine to go on with your life!"  One more girl lying on a cot in a room lined with others doing the same while they offered me cookies and juice…I had just had my child ripped from my womb and they were offering me cookies and juice!   I don’t know how long I was in recovery before I was sent on my way to get on with my life, as if nothing had happened and this is also what my boyfriend thought I should do.  After 3 days of missing work because of physical pain and depression that had already set in, his exact words to me were "You really need to get over it already!"  On the outside that is exactly what I did, going into instant denial and pushing it so far down I thought it was just a nightmare, not reality.  Yet inside I would never be the same because along with my baby, a part of me died that day.

The next year, I married that man who was already abusive and the abuse grew even worse.  A year later, I along with my oldest daughter suffered the physical affects from my abortion when she was born premature at 23 weeks weighing 1lb 2oz and given less than a 10% change of surviving.  Her premature birth was the result of my incompetent cervix caused from my abortion.  Nobody knew, I lied on the medical forms, to the doctors and to my friends/family...nobody knew what I had done.  I could have lost another child, she suffered the consequences of my actions....I lay in the hospital bed crying and asking God why??  I could understand why He was punishing me, but why her she didn't deserve it.  I prayed she would live and spent every single day with her, but even after she came home and had made it through countess surgeries and infections I had bonding issues that I did not understand.  I saw her as a reminder of my punishment...more guilt, more shame, what had I done?!

I was on complete bed rest with my second child, having a cervical cerclage at 13 wks as to not repeat a premature birth.  During this pregnancy it was suggested that I not have any more children, as my cervix probably would not hold up for it.  My second daughter was born at term and healthy.  I bonded with her differently than my first, again more guilt, more questions, more not understanding how I could be such a horrible mother.  The tears, crying myself to sleep...they continued and I felt I could never be redeemed.   Not knowing at the time all of these were affects from my decision to abort, a decision based on ignorance that I thought was the answer at the time. 

For 12 years after my abortion, I felt so unworthy.  I continued to accept emotional and eventually physical abuse from my husband.  Living in constant fear because of his control and the life he lived with drugs and alcohol.  I was self-destructive, gained over 100 lbs, and felt that I deserved this life.  I denied and actually believed that I had never had an abortion.  Yet had night terrors, anxiety and the fear of someone finding out my secret was paralyzing.

11 years of tumultuous marriage ended in divorced leaving me to deal with the issues of my past.  During the search to find myself and heal from my abusive marriage, I lost almost a whole person in weight and restored my relationship with God finding peace in a lot of ways, yet there was still something missing.  I still cringed at the "A" word and felt like I had committed the only unforgiveable sin, I still carried my dark secret. I taught women’s bible studies and was the coordinator for our single moms group at church, but had resigned to the fact that I would live with the guilt and shame & that my relationship with God would never be as close as I truly desired.  I felt that any time 'that word' was mentioned everyone in the room knew what I had done. The thought of any other person knowing what I had done terrified me to the core.  After all, in some ways I was still that little girl looking for acceptance.  So, the last thing I could dream of doing was telling people about something that would turn them away from me, make them judge me and not accept me.  I feared losing my friends, my family and never finding anyone that could accept my past if they knew. 

But God in His infinite wisdom, gentleness and grace led me to someone that I could trust… someone that had been there.  I honestly didn’t think there was other people right there in my own church, normal people that had also had an abortion and healed from it.  My new friend would help lead me on my healing journey through an abortion recovery Bible study.  As I walked through each step, a little piece of the shame began to fall off and the weight became lighter.  Going through the healing process I realized the importance of giving my child dignity and recognizing the life as one created by God that had purpose and value.  I sought the Lord for my child’s name, I had always felt he was a boy and the Lord gave me his name Isaiah Nathaniel.  Now I had a name to honor when thinking of my son.  Toward the end of the study, I accepted God's forgiveness once and for all and realized that the blood He shed on the cross covered ALL sins including my abortion; finally I was truly set free.  I also knew without a doubt that God was calling me to help others find the same healing and also to speak out for the unborn and the unspoken secret that thousands of men and women carry.  

After the recovery study I was able to stop looking at my oldest daughter as a reminder and punishment of what I had done, but a true blessing that lights up this world with her presence.  I was able to look at her and see the true value and sanctity of every life that God creates.  The first time I held her in my arms and cried tears of true joy and felt a mother’s love was a day I will cherish forever.  Although she does suffer with development delays that we expect may last her a lifetime she is a walking miracle and completely opposite of what we were told she would be, Praise God!

I was single for almost 3 years until God placed my best friend and soul mate in my life and I remarried in Jan 2009. I met my husband at the beginning of my healing journey and I told him of my past right away. Never had I felt such an incredible urging to tell someone my secret, but God was telling me it was time to break the silence. My fear of judgment was very real, but my desperate need to move forward was stronger and God had it all in control.  My husband was completely accepting and loved me every step of the way.  He continues to be my greatest support and he prays for God’s movement in our local area and the nation for the eradication of abortion and for awareness and recovery.

I have served in abortion recovery ministry since 2008 and my passion to reach those hurting from a past abortion grows deeper each day.  God has called me to share my testimony, speak out for the unborn in honor of my own son and share the truth about abortion and the affects it has on every single one of us.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dawn's Testimony

     I was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as my savior as a young child.  Abortion was never a consideration for me or something I ever thought I would do. When I was 21 my sin finally caught up with me.  It was bound to happen and when I found myself in a situation of an unplanned pregnancy I panicked. The boy panicked too and quickly told me to take care of it. I was so afraid to tell my parents, what an embarrassment and disappointment I would be to them. The devil told me every reason why I should go through with the abortion; I bought the lies and rationalized my choice. The decision was made, the money delivered, he was nice enough to pay for it, and the appointment set. Please no I don't blame him, I'm sure he has a hole deep in his heart too from such a loss. After my abortion I wanted to forget and I shut it out of my mind.  Only a hand full of people knew my best friends and the boyfriend of one of them who was nice enough to take me and sit and hold my hand in the waiting room then drive me home after. I never spoke of the vomiting in the recovery  room, the coldness i felt from the nurse , the aloneness i felt. It was never spoke of again. Through my silence during the years that followed, God was doing a work far greater than I could have ever known then.  You see 2 years later I found myself pregnant again, I know I'm very stubborn, but God’s plan was amazing.  I chose life. It wasn't easy, i told my paretns  about the abortion first , I think they knew deep down . I would tell my sisters later, you see abortion affects more than just the Mother, there are so many other people that are hurt by this action. Now to present tense, and the next child i would have,  What a gift that 13 year old boy is.I believe with all my heart God used him to change my life, my heart, and begin a journey of healing in my life that would take place over the next several years.  God not only gave me a special son, he also brought us a special guy! He married both of us and we are truly blessed beyond measure. You see God took a terrible choice I made and turned it all around into something beautiful! How can I not share how good He is? I know I am not alone and My prayer is for you to find the courage to be freed from your past and believe what God says about you too ! He paid the highest price for you, He is waiting for you , He wants you to walk in Freedom and Abundance,  You are not alone in your journey! Reach out ! take the first step, you won't regret it ! Blessings from one sister to the next.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Michelle's Testimony

Shortly after college, I moved from Ada, Oklahoma to Wichita, KS for management training at a clothing store for whom I worked throughout my college years. It was my first time living on my own away from home. I was excited but also a little scared. Over time I adjusted, and it seemed things were falling into place for me. However, my brief time of growing comfort was quickly wrecked.

Shortly after ending a relationship, I discovered that I was pregnant. I was terrified, embarrassed, unsure, and alone. With little thought of the consequences, I made a hasty, terrible decision that would impact the rest of my life. I never thought I would consider such a decision until I was the one pregnant and alone. But just one week after discovering I was pregnant, I had an abortion in February of 1999. The gravity of what I had done did not immediately sink in. I actually felt a little relief, because I told myself that nobody would ever have to know that I was pregnant or that I chose to have an abortion. I could hide my secret and never discuss it with anyone. 

My life in Wichita continued downhill from there. I’ve only recently understood that brief period of relief I had experienced following the abortion was probably shock and denial. I decided I wanted out of Wichita to try and escape what had happened there. I moved back to Oklahoma for a brief period of time before moving on to Texas. However, I discovered that changes in scenery did not change my hurt. Guilt, shame, regret, sadness, depression, and anger would control me at different times. But I didn’t connect those emotions with my abortion. I was living a life looking for happiness but any happiness I found was temporary. I know now that I was searching for something to fill the void I had created.

I had made a decision in high school to choose Jesus as my Lord, but I hadn’t followed through on that commitment. For 13 years, I fought against the tug of the Holy Spirit who was trying to lead me in the right direction. In 2003, after years of chasing what the world had to offer, I came to the conclusion that nothing in the world was going to make me happy. Soon after, a friend of mine invited me to Fellowship Church. After visiting Fellowship’s church services, I gave up my fight with the Holy Spirit. I decided I wanted to follow the Lord wholeheartedly and become obedient to Him. In 2004, I was baptized, joined the church, and started volunteering. I have been committed to Christ and to His church ever since.

In the meantime, Jon and I started dating and married in August 2005. To our surprise in January of 2006, we discovered that I was six weeks pregnant. I began experiencing a tidal wave of emotions. I had just begun to learn how to be a wife and stepmom, and now I was suddenly facing pregnancy and the birth of my own child. The emotional consequences of my abortion were about to make war with me.

I began seeing a Christian therapist to help me deal with my anxiety. Although I had revealed my secret to a handful of people, including Jon, I still did not understand the profound impact of my decision seven years earlier. When I told my therapist my secret, I asked if she thought I needed healing from my abortion. She said that we absolutely needed to address that pivotal point in my past. She advised me to give the baby a gender neutral name and write a letter asking for forgiveness and then seal it. I did that and felt temporary relief, but the core of my pain never went away. I knew that I still needed help, but I just dealt with it internally for another five years.
It was last spring that I decided to be proactive in seeking real healing and to see if there was a way to help others in my situation. I researched post abortive healing online and discovered that post traumatic stress disorder could happen after an abortion and that there was something called Post Abortion Syndrome. During this same time I began to get very busy with my new business, Baby Meshach, and I was preparing to speak at a break out session about my business at a women’s conference in Oklahoma. While setting up my booth, there was a lady who was also setting up her booth right across from me. I went over to introduce myself and learned that her name was Dawn. Dawn told me she was a post abortive healing leader for Surrendering the Secret in her church which happened to be in my hometown. I knew God had arranged this moment.

I asked Dawn to tell me more about Surrendering the Secret because I had been desperately searching for something like it. After the women’s conference, I went home and searched on the internet for Surrendering the Secret leaders in my area. I contacted Surrendering the Secret and asked if I could lead a bible study in my home. They said that I could but encouraged me to go through the study first to find my own complete healing. So I found a local leader named Lee on their website. I contacted Lee and we met for breakfast. Lee is a sweet woman of deep faith who lovingly led me through the healing study at my house over six weeks. Lee and the study material slowly dug up all the buried pain and peeled back all of my emotions layer by layer.

The study was a deep, spiritual boot camp that I could not have completed without Christ carrying me through. I knew I had buried a lot of pain but did not know the extent of how much. There are many layers to the study but one of them provides the opportunity to grieve the loss of your child. After an abortion, the mother does not fully grieve the loss of her child. The enemy tells post abortive women they don’t have the right to grieve because it was their choice not to let their baby live. So post abortive women cram down their shameful secret as deep as possible and try to move on with their lives as if nothing happened.

I credit Lee and the Surrendering the Secret study for showing me the path, but it was Jesus alone who was able to completely heal me. I finally understood that on the cross, Jesus bore all the sin I’ve sown and all the shame, guilt, sadness, and depression that I reaped. And I chose to release all of it to Him forever. And He has taken that horrible time in my life and replaced the memory with a beautiful promise of the day in heaven when I’ll meet my baby. I know in my heart that my baby was a daughter, and I look forward to the day I’ll join her in eternal worship of our Lord.

Since that break-though last August, I’ve led two of my friends through the study and one friend of a friend.  I have been wonderfully blessed to walk alongside them and watch them receive healing. It is clear to me now that post abortion healing is the Lord’s ministry He has chosen for me. It’s a passion that came from pain. I learned in a bible study recently that you can’t create the kind of passion that comes from pain.  It’s something that only Jesus can give you. And I know He has called me to be His light to women who suffer with the pain of abortion.
A few months after that “chance” meeting with Dawn in Oklahoma, I asked her why she told me about the study within five minutes of meeting me. She said the Holy Spirit nudged her to tell me. Since Dawn and I met, we knew we were being called to do something together with post abortive healing but didn’t know what. But in the last couple of months, we began setting up a Facebook page and website called FREED (Fully Redeemed Entirely Esteemed Daughters) to share our testimonies and promote post abortive healing leveraging the internet. The bible verse for FREED is Mark 5:34 - “He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.’” It was only in the last few weeks that I learned more about the woman in that verse. The woman with whom Jesus was speaking had been bleeding and had suffered with the affliction for twelve years before Jesus healed and set her free. I now realize that I bled emotionally for twelve years before finally hearing Jesus’ voice telling me that my faith had healed me, and I had been freed.

Please be in prayer for Dawn and me as we step out in faith and answer this call to help other women find healing. On April 23rd we are traveling to Tulsa, OK to be trained as Surrendering the Secret leaders by the creator of the study and attend A Night of Hope with Shari Rigby who is an actress from the movie October Baby. Tuesday night, Jon and I are attending the first annual fundraiser banquet for a local pregnancy center where my mentor, Lee, volunteers. Pam Tebow (Tim Tebow’s mom) is the speaker and a 2-3 minute video of my personal testimony will be shown. And on May 4th and 5th, I’m attending volunteer training at the pregnancy center to become a client advocate for them.

Knowing what I’ve gone through, my heart aches for women who are still in captivity to their secret. The statistics are staggering -- 43% of women have had an abortion. And the average length of time before a post abortive woman begins to search for healing is 20 years. That means we are surrounded by many friends and family members suffering with this secret. If you or anyone you know suffer with this burden, please contact me or Dawn at Please know and assure anyone whom you refer to us that anything shared with us is 100% confidential. We would love to lead you or anyone you know out of the shame, guilt, sadness, heartbreak, and pain associated with abortion and into healing and freedom. If you are not one of the 43%, please be in prayer for the women around you suffering with this secret and pray for them to come forward for the healing God wants for them.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and your time in prayer for post abortive women. So many hurting women do not know that healing is available to them, and they can’t comprehend the grace God is waiting to give them.

Michelle Matthews

***I had to miss the certified STS leader training yesterday because Luke got really sick.  I will attend at another time though!***